Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Molly & Jack - Nashville, TN Family & Child Photographer

These two were a dream! Jack is the happiest and smiliest 6 month old I have ever met. He didn't mind being plopped into baskets or wearing hats and Molly is girly and sweet and she loves a tutu. And you know how I feel about a girl in a tutu. Molly's mom had told me that Molly might be shy, but when she saw my trunk of girly stuff - we were instantly friends! Thanks to Michael and Jamie for spending a fun Sunday morning with me!

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Friday, November 26, 2010

Baby Hayes - Just 7 days

I just don't have enough words to say how much I love these photos. As you can see, baby Hayes is pure perfection. He was oh so sleepy, not fussy at all, and has the most smushiest sweetest face - all my favorite qualities in an infant! I left their house knowing these images were amazing. Beyond. I was so right. Katherine and Robert - Congrats on the newest addition to your family, you have truly been blessed. I feel badly that we did not get the big sister/baby brother shot - but I promise we will next time. I will have  to come up with something McClean could not resist - like her own set of keys! Happy Holidays! JSP[gallery columns="4" orderby="title"]

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Isaacs Family

I love when I walk into a client's home and see my photo's framed in their house. So nice, and so is this family. We met up again for a family session and these little angel faced boys knocked it out of the park again. As soon as Katie sat Henry in the leaves, I knew it was going to be good. And it was. As soon as the camera was on him, lil Henry turned it on. And even Clay, who is not interested in the camera at all was absolutely charming. I am powerless over these boys sweet faces. And Katie and Scott - I really do mean that and I don't tell everyone that their kids are cute. I honestly can't explain why only beautiful families with gorgeous children hire me! It was great seeing you both again and happy holidays! xoxoJSP

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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Marigny - Nashville, TN Family & Child Photographer

My favorite shoot to date. I think these images are so beautiful, girly, sweet and lovely. I will never get tired of looking at them. Ashley and I are a dangerous combination, in that we had enough ideas to last a few more hours while Marc and Marigny froze to death. We had no idea how cold it had gotten until we started packing up and noticed everyone was shivering! Ashley had great ideas and her styling was perfection. Marigny was a sweetheart and so natural and comfortable in front of the camera. She must have a mommy that takes lots of photos! And Marc hung in there until the end, and I think he actually cheered when we called it a wrap. Ha Ha, he really was great and super photogenic. But have you ever seen a family that the camera loved more? Not me. So please enjoy the loveliness. And Ashley I hope you can find a Holiday card with room for 50 photos![gallery columns="4" orderby="title"]


Saturday, November 20, 2010

Madelyn: Nashville, TN Family and Child Photographer

Little Madelyn! What a difference the sun and some food can make! The first half of this shoot was cold, rainy and Madelyn was hungry. But a couple days later this doll in pigtails showed up and smiled and laughed like she was having the best time ever. And her little pigtails may be the cutest thing I have ever seen!

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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The Haynes Family - Nashville Tn Child & Family Photographer

So many sweet ones for this sweet family. And this may be their last photo as a family of 3![gallery columns="4" orderby="title"]

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

The Derrick Family - Nashville TN Family & Child Photographer

These shots have been so hard not to post earlier, but I try to post in the order I took them! Ben and I went to grade school and high school together, and meeting his wife, Valerie and his son, Will, is one of the coolest parts of why I love what I do...and of course amazing shots like these. We had to bribe Will with blue lollipops and trucks, but it was def worth it. I love the ones where he is just being a little boy and not even worrying about the lady with the big camera trailing around behind him. And the sweet moments I caught of him laying his head on Ben's chest, those are the ones I think they will remember the most. Valerie - I am so glad you found me. I hope you love them.[gallery columns="4" orderby="title"]

Monday, November 8, 2010

Alden is 4 Months Old!

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This sweet little pumpkin is 4 months old and was a dream to photograph. He smiled and laughed and was just an angel. This was a very early morning shoot and I def think that makes a difference. The baby was happy, his beautiful sister Hannah was so helpful and a complete doll, the light was absolutely gorgeous, and their house smelled like yummy breakfast!  See you again at 6 months!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Beach Session: The Ezell Family

Another beautiful beach session with the Ezell Family. It was hard to edit these because there were so many of my favorite things at work: beach, blue sky, adorable children, wind in the hair, and a super photogenic mom and dad. Looking at these makes me want to get back to the beach![gallery columns="4" orderby="title"]


Saturday, November 6, 2010

Natalie: Beach Baby

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Another sweet beach baby from the Rosemary Beach Sessions. This is Natalie and she was a total doll baby! Enjoy!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Logan - 13 days old

Check out sweet little Logan! Only 13 days old and so, so sweet! This shoot is one of my favorites. I love when the parents give me the go ahead to do whatever I want, this is what happens, and of course you have to have a super cute baby like Logan! Some people may have thought it was odd to put your newborn baby in a platter on the dining room table - but I think the result is awesome and I would hang that photo right in there. Enjoy![gallery columns="4" orderby="title"]