Sunday, November 21, 2010

Marigny - Nashville, TN Family & Child Photographer

My favorite shoot to date. I think these images are so beautiful, girly, sweet and lovely. I will never get tired of looking at them. Ashley and I are a dangerous combination, in that we had enough ideas to last a few more hours while Marc and Marigny froze to death. We had no idea how cold it had gotten until we started packing up and noticed everyone was shivering! Ashley had great ideas and her styling was perfection. Marigny was a sweetheart and so natural and comfortable in front of the camera. She must have a mommy that takes lots of photos! And Marc hung in there until the end, and I think he actually cheered when we called it a wrap. Ha Ha, he really was great and super photogenic. But have you ever seen a family that the camera loved more? Not me. So please enjoy the loveliness. And Ashley I hope you can find a Holiday card with room for 50 photos![gallery columns="4" orderby="title"]